Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Arab-Israeli member of Parliament Suspended

Israeli Arab lawmaker derivatives, Hanin Zoabi, was suspended on Monday (7/18/2011), of the Israeli parliament, Knesset, due to women's participation in pro-Palestinian flotilla years ago.

Zoabi Knesset Ethics Committee suspended from all parliamentary activities, including attending a debate in the Knesset, until the expiration of the current summer session, which ends in two weeks. The committee took the decision after Zoabi aboard Turkey, Marmara, in the fleet towards the Gaza Strip in May 2010.

Personnel Israeli commandos boarded the ship after the captain refused to change course away from the Gaza Strip. In the chaos afterward, nine Turkish activists were killed and several wounded soldiers. "Participation in the flotilla, which was intended to break the naval blockade imposed on Gaza Strip as part of an armed conflict with Hamas was an act of harm state security," the committee said in its decision.

Zoabi action against those made after he filed a complaint against another member of the Knesset, the Ynet news agency reported.

Women MPs strongly condemned Israel's Ethics Committee in a statement, saying its participation in the freedom of action are still valid according to the Knesset. He describes himself as a suspension of political punishment taken by the majority of the racist right in the Knesset.

Zoabi told Xinhua news agency said on Monday, its participation in the flotilla is the duty of humanity, morality, and politics with the aim of repeal inhumane siege against the Gaza Strip. Last week, Knesset Zoabi removed from the building by security officers after he was disruptive speech Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the anti-oikot passed recently. Ethics Committee recently filed a complaint about "inappropriate behavior".

Zoabi join the flotilla to break Israel's naval blockade of years ago and the recent loss of privileges in the Knesset, including diplomatic passports and financial support for legal aid. Some members of the Knesset accused him of abusing his status as a member of the Israeli parliament.

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